You will learn about the principles of law-making and dispute-solving as well as the basics of criminal liability and negligence.
Every citizen should have a working knowledge of the law and how to exercise their rights the study of law is for everyone, not just lawyers. This course will provide you with a knowledge and understanding of the main principles of English and Welsh law.
There will be guest speakers from the Crown Prosecution Service and lawyers who specialise in criminal defence.
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Year One course content
The Nature of Law and the English Legal System:
This unit will give you an in-depth understanding of the law making process, the court system and introduce you to the differences between civil and criminal law. You will also understand the important role that solicitors, barristers, magistrates and judges play in the English legal system.
Criminal Law:
This unit introduces the concepts of liability in criminal law. You will learn about non-fatal offences, including assault and grievous bodily harm.
You will be introduced to the law of negligence and understand the process of taking someone to court. You will develop an understanding of Occupiers’ Liability which concerns the duty of care owed to people who visit or trespass on your property.T

Year Two course content
The Nature of Law and the English Legal System:
As well as everything in Year One, this unit will explore the deeper concepts of law drawing upon the central principles of justice, morality, fault, and judicial creativity. You will consider the importance of these principles in relation to the course as a whole, drawing upon both civil and criminal law as well as topical issues in the news.
Criminal Law:
In addition to what you have learnt in Year One, you will look at homicide which includes murder and manslaughter and also property offences such as theft, robbery, criminal damage and blackmail. You will also examine defences such as self-defence and intoxication, when they may be relied upon and the effect if successful.
Including what you have learnt in Year One, you will explore the areas of economic loss, psychiatric injury, nuisance and vicarious liability.
In this unit, you will develop an understanding of contract law which includes the formation of a contract, terms of a contract and exclusion clauses. By the end of the two years, you will be able to thoroughly apply the different areas of law to given situations. The skills learnt from studying A-Level Law will prepare you for any subject that you wish to study at university.
Additional information
A-Level Law will provide you with an excellent grounding and head start to a law degree. A qualifying law degree (LLB) will enable you to become a solicitor or barrister.
If you do not wish to practice law you may be interested in careers in the police force, the court or prison service, or even other authorities such as social services. If you do not wish to enter a career in the legal field a law qualification will demonstrate sound knowledge of the legal system, as well as analytical, memory and reasoning skills.
There will be guest speakers from the Crown Prosecution Service and lawyers who specialise in criminal defence.
You will also have the opportunity to be involved in a mock trial and visit the Galleries of Justice in Nottingham. There will also be visits to the local Magistrates and Crown Courts, and a visit to the Old Bailey in Year Two.
Students will be assessed internally on a regular basis, including through formal mock exams. There are final exams at the end of the course in Year two.
Year two assessment:
- Paper One: (33% of A-Level) 2 hours
- Paper Two: (33% of A-Level) 2 hours
- Paper Three: (33% of A-Level) 2 hours
Some of our subjects are subject to standard entry requirement and some have additional requirements. Please see below:
Subject specific entry requirements
- 5 in English (Literature or Language)
Standard entry requirements
- At least five GCSEs at grades 9-4 including English Language and Maths (one Vocational or Technical qualification at Merit or above may be counted)
- At least grade 4 (or Merit for Vocational or Technical qualifications) in any subject(s) that you have taken at GCSE and wish to continue studying at Level 3
- Average GCSE (best 8) of at least 4 (38 on the old points table)
- Grade 4 (or Merit), at least, in any subject previously studied
- Students will take either 3 A-Level subjects or 1 Diploma subject with 1 A-Level